John Neil Gilmer

February 7, 1941 - November 19, 2010


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Neil at Work- Great Pictures Too- Thanks Bryce


We are thinking of Neil often and wishing him and the family the best and keeping you all in our prayers.
I dug out a few old pictures from work days past that I thought Neil might enjoy. A couple of pictures from Mike T's retirement party held in Battle Creek and a couple of pictures from a story ladened business trip which began in Seoul Korea and moved to Japan. Also, a couple of pictures with some of our friends at Nittan including one of Neil pondering the scene inside the Peace memorial in Hiroshima. I'll leave it a guessing game for Neil to fill in the names for some of the faces.
That particular Korea/Japan trip was a phenomenal two weeks of non-stop jokes from Neil with help from TNT. What recall! Some memory joggers for the 'ol boy are: Lobster Thermador, kinky, falling upstairs and butterflies.
Neil's uncanny ability to embellish even the simplest of stories has always been a joy.
Blessings and regards to you all.

Bryce B

1 comment:

  1. Funny how each of these stories sparks old memories of more.....

    This one doesn't involve Neil, but none other than our favorite resident Indian, Nandu. He was visiting Japan working with Mazda and Nittan on the famous I4 project. The visit involved a weekend off, so the Nittan engineers took Nandu on a tour of Hiroshima (headquarters for Mazda). They ended the tour at the Hiroshima Peace Park that marks the site where the bomb fell on the city. The Japanese were very somberly telling Nandu that this was where the bomb fell from the US airplane. Nandu pondered for a moment and then said very innocently, "Why did we bomb a park?". The Japanese were speechless......

    And a note to those that might find this an insensitive comment, this type of dialogue can only be pulled off successfully when among VERY good friends! The friends from Nittan finally "got" the joke and got a big laugh out of it!
