John Neil Gilmer

February 7, 1941 - November 19, 2010


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Update September 30, 2010

We are hopeful Neil will be getting out of the hospital tomorrow. He was able to walk with the physical therapist today. He, of course, so much prefers being at home. He summarizes his hospital stay today as "S...L...O...W."


A few improvements? We need photos and stories.

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PhotobucketSeptemer 2010 Larry-Neil-Chris-Dan
PhotobucketKay's Cancer Days
PhotobucketFunny Stuff!
PhotobucketA few weeks ago

The Cousins Came To Town & Larry too!

Ok, this past week my dad had some visitors that I think really made him feel good and laugh some too! Larry (a lifelong friend), Dan and Chris (dad's cousins) all made a special trip to come visit my dad! He was very weak and tired out from the chemo and from just not eating.... but Mom and I thought that "Laughter was be good medicine" indeed! Those guys were so gentle and kind and sat or laid with dad to share story after story of their childhood days and shinanigans! Mom and I would try to stay clear so they could have what we call "Guy Talk!" You could hear these big voices sharing and remembering days gone by and then all of a sudden some laughs and words like; "Now Neil we all remember it this way, is that how you remember it?"
I'm not sure any of us will ever know all the things these guys did as kids, let alone their teenage years! I heard stories like remember the time we were actually throwing rocks at each other, Danny said to dad. They both agreed it must not have been there time to go then, because they were throwing actual rocks at each other, and good size ones at that. Wow, if their mothers only knew! LOL

These guys had some laughs and I also know that my dear dad was asking these three guys for some advice on his condition and their take on what to do! He wanted to know what each of them would do in his shoes... and I think they each shared their love and support letting him know whatever he decides is best for him, they support him all the way! It was a good few days that these guys took out of their lives to come and visit and to be there for their buddy, their cousin, their friend! I think these guys would do and be there for each other no matter what... as Dan said, "Come high water and the creek don't rise."
I couldn't get over how long it had been since seeing Larry especially... most likely it was when David (his son) and I were freshmen in college in 1984.... wow, where does the time go! Chris and Dan I had seen only this past year at a family get-together for Aunt Nukkie's birthday party! However, at that party I got to see Chris's son(David) who I hadn't seen since he was a young boy, now he's married with his own daughter... again, hard to believe! And also Dan's son (Nathan and his family) and the other two guys via a webcam. I remember going to picnics with these guys when I was young and we would all play baseball and had the time of our lives together. My dad's mom, Momi would be sure to explain who everyone was in the Beeson clan so I knew all my heritage... I'm so glad for family today!
It was a good visit and here are just a few photos to show from their time with Dad. As one of them said, "It was good to hear the Gilmer chuckle!" Now that was for sure and they brought it out of him, thanks guys for taking time and coming to support my dad, I will treasure that always! Ok, these guys are keepers!


PS - Please pray for Dan's son (Nathan) who is very sick and in the hospital as well. Also his wife (Beth) had knee replacement and hip surgery and is still recovering. Please pray Chris finds his "soul mate" and if you know any nice women pass them on to this guy, he's looking indeed! Larry and family seem to be doing great and will come to see dad again in November.


Miracle in the Making

Ok it's been a while since I articulated all that goes on in my head so here goes. I am so grateful for everyone's thoughtfulness, love and support in so many ways! It makes me realize how connected we all are and by that I mean just how much one life really does affect so many others in more ways than we as individuals even know until times like this.

It has also made me realize just how much each of our uniqueness can not be replaced by any other human being. For instance any of you that have heard my dad tell a joke or share his insight on others uniqueness or to hear his laugh, well it's entirely his own style and irreplaceable in my eyes!

I have also seen the different ways that each of us deal with life's challenges, again so different and all so needed to get us all through this life. I know each of us see things so differently and in kind deals that way as well... But for me I am a woman of faith and matter who says or thinks I need to look at this situation realistically I see through eyes of faith. With that being said I am standing in the gap for my dad coming against any words spoken to him or about him that are contrary to the will of God for his life. This means that I believe with God all things are possible (including his total healing) even when with our natural mind and eyes things do not look good I know there is a much bigger force in control and working all things together for good for my dad, my family and all of our friends too! I do know that through this ordeal we have all grown closer and really been there for one another the best we each could, for this is what I mean by God uses every situation for our good and to teach us. It has been amazing to see who is available, visits, calls, offers a hand and such an outpouring of cards and gifts to show you are thinking of us! What a time to treasure! The time I have had with my dad has been so healing for our relationship. Let me explain. In my life in large prior to giving my life to the Lord I was very emotionally weak and still at times struggle with this. Majority of my growing up days dad would push me in this arena which many times I took very hard not understanding why he "didn't get me" so to speak. Thus causing me to put him at arms length for my own protection emotionally. Through this ordeal with cancer he and I have had moments to share our hearts and for the first time he explained his side of trying to help me "get tougher" to face the world. This fact of his trying to not in actuality hurt me but instead he was in his way trying to protect me. This explanation made me deep so loved and treasured something I sought my whole life through trying to please others when in fact who knew I was the apple of my Father's eye! Wow such healing came to me that day and it then opened my faded heart to care for and want to repay him by protecting him when he can't do it for himself. I do this by showing self-less love for him through various means but one I protested my whole life now is how he knows I've arrived, I tickle his feet!

I find this life so full of lessons and one I am always amazed to learn is that we all need to learn to bask in good times, good friends and good health because everything has a season and some last a lifetime while others are short lived and we must recognize and treasure the good times!
When I lost my best friend I began to recognize that this life can be gone all too soon so grasp those in your life and see their strengths and uniqueness and enjoy them to the optimum! If that means you have to learn to overlook things about these friends or family that bug you, do it ... It's worth if to love! 1 Corinthians 13 says love is patient, kind, long-suffering, does not keep count of a suffered wrong and always protects, trusts, hopes and preservers. So here's to hoping in a miracle in love! From my lips to God's heart I pray it be so. One thing I know God responds to faith so again I say I'm standing in the gap for the miracle to come! Amen.
Ok on that note now you know the things at least on this matter that I ponder in my heart and believe. Good night! May the Lord watch between you and me til such a time and then what a rejoicing there will be! Joyfully, Ellen

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Neilism: If you get up at 10 -the day's half gone. You'll never get anything done!

Today's quote of the day on the blog was:
"Eighty percent of success is showing up."
Woody Allen

Dad always took this one a little further. You had to show up early too, for him. Dad was always up way too early to go to work (or so I thought at the time.) We'd hear the garage door at 6 or 6:30 am EVERY morning. Never phased, I could get another 4 hours sleep, after this event. Well I think I did this one too many times as I got a lecture I still remember and like to repeat to others every chance I get. Can't wait another few years to lay this one on my kids too! This was said before the Army or Marines said they get more done by 7 am than most people get done all day. He'd say: "If you get up at 10 - the day is half gone.-- You'll never get anything done!" I think I may have slept in more than one time too many as it still rings in my ears 20 years later.

I have never been sure how the math worked with the day being half gone at 10 am, but I must confess a lot can get done before 10, and with few interruptions. As many people still seem to waste those 2 or 3 hours which compose 1/2 of the day in a Neilism.


Some of Neil's Favorite Views

View from lanai View from the lanai.
PhotobucketPool view

Update September 29, 2010

Neil walked across the room today with the help of the walker and the physical therapist. We were both so excited. It's hard for him after being in bed for so long. He still isn't eating much but is getting a lot of hydration. Carice, our visiting angel is taking the night shift 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. and I'm taking the day shift 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Wed., Thurs. and Fri. Then we'll see what's hour at a time is our motto. Thanks to all.
Kay and family

Youthful Fun on the Farm

Having just gotten back from visiting Neil and Kay in Florida, it occurred to me that there was another adventure that I haven't touched on that happened probably 60 years ago.
Neil and I were down at the creek, (Morgan Creek), northwest of Neil's house near Greens Fork. I remember that we were wading in very shallow water and found a fair sized piece of wood floating near the bank. We had to see what was under it and when we picked it up we found what was probably an 18" snake lying there. Immediately the smallish snake turned into at least, (in our minds), a 6 foot copperhead. We managed to put some distance between us and that poor snake.
As if that wasn't enough though we had caught a pretty large Leopard frog. Having carried it around for a few minutes we decided to let it go. Immediately after releasing the frog a 3 foot, (in our minds again), "Cotton Mouth Water Moccasin" swam to the frog, took it in his mouth and started to swim away. That infuriated us as we had just played catch and release with the frog and considered him ours.
We picked up rock after rock from the floor of the creek and bombarded the snake unmercifully. We finally connected and the snake released the frog. We continued to bombardment of the snake until we thought we had him killed. Then took sticks to him to deliver the coup-de-Gras. We started toward the house with the snake draped limply between us over one of the sticks.
As we were walking back I happened to look down in time to see the snake's head lifting toward Neil's hand. It didn't take me long to drop my side of that stick.
We proceeded to finish the task we had begun and carried the now dead snake to the house. Aunt Babe, (Neil's mother), got the encyclopedia and found a picture that resembled our snake, and which was a cottonmouth.
Since cottonmouths have never been found that far north, I suspect now that it was a banded water snake. The copperhead was probably a garter snake.
That adventure sure seemed a lot more exciting then than it does now. If killing that snake was illegal then, I trust the statute of limitations has run on this event and I hope the PETA people will be forgiving toward the sins of our youth. One of the 3 conspirators from 60 years ago,
Dan C

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Good news from Michigan

Hi Neil! This is Millie B.- not hearing for a long time I thought you might like to know our family is growing, in number that is! Have a new great Grand daughter now, born Sept. 19th. She's a beauty. Weighed in at 7lbs 8 oz. She is called Elisabeth Grace. Remember Mare when you were living next door, the little girl who would run up to you and Kay and say HI MR and MRS Gilmer. She's in the school band in Chelsea Mich. and is taller than I am. They all are except for one. One out of 15 isn't bad.15 grand kids that is. Do you recall where Chelsea is? Gail and her family live there and love it. It's a nice town! Mare is a junior in high school now.Thought you'd like to reminisce a bit! I have so many on my prayer list it keeps me busy. Hope this was not too much for you Love Millie

Update September 28, 2010

Since Neil continues to be weak and dehydrated he was taken to Dr. Phillips Hospital room 4046 by ambulance last evening. He is getting good care and hopefully will begin eating again.
Mentioning a feeding tube motivated him a little. I stayed over night and came home now for a shower. I'll return to spend the night in his room on a comfortable couch. Thanks to the boys from IN and MI for brightening his couple of days. It was good to hear him laugh. Ellen had difficulty going home Sunday night as she loved hearing the stories of the early days in Greens Fork and Hagerstown. All of your prayers and love for him are greatly appreciated by our whole family. love, Kay

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Update September 25, 2010

Neil's blood pressure and pulse continue to be low. Today we
received our own hydration pouch...hopefully this will help to build him up. However, Ellen and I have to learn how to detach it...another lesson to learn. Chris, Larry and Dan from IN and MI came to cheer him up and Ellen is here as well.

I went with Carolyn to a UMW luncheon at church so got out of the house for a short time. Carrie, our visiting angel and Ellen took care of Neil.

Love to all, Kay

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Update September 22, 2010

Things change by the moment around here. Last night I was afraid Neil would go into shock since his blood pressure was so low. Both Dean and Ellen could tell by my voice that I was scared. So, around 2 a.m. Ellen showed up...what a blessing!
She stayed with him while I got some much needed sleep. Today she slept while I did the chemo run. Alas, he could only have the weak chemo and will go back in a week for round six. We're hoping that the next few days with no out of the house trips will strengthen him and he'll eat and drink more. Ellen, Larry, Chris and Dan should cheer him up this week. Once again, thanks for your prayers and support. Kay

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Update September 21, 2010

Today was another busy day. We left the house at 10:15 so the chemo nurse could stick him before going for the Petscan at 1. In the meantime he also had a hydration drip. I thought I would be lifting the wheelchair 6 times but two helpful people helped out so 4 times it was I'm developing muscles!!

Neil is quite tired and very weak. He hasn't been able to eat much for quite some time.

Today we're having a water heater installed; the nurse will come; and Carrie, our visiting angel will come so I can get some sleep. We wake up every two hours to check the pulse, etc.

Hope fully he'll be able to drink the milkshake we picked up on the way home. So far we started with applesauce.

Our best to all of you. Kay

Friday, September 17, 2010

Update September 17, 2010

It's been another exciting week. We went to Dr.Mancuso, the surgeon on Wed. While there Neil's pulse went up high so we then went to Dr. Vini, the oncologist, for a hydration drip. Since Neil is now taking Camptosar chemo we went on Thursday for him to have Erbitux chemo to enhance it.

He was suppose to have a podiatrist at the house on Thursday so I called the night before to cancel. I guess he didn't get the message as he came and we weren't here.

Today we went for the Petscan. However, they couldn't do it with his veins. Thus, on Tuesday they'll do it through the port.

He's had several visitors this week that have perked him up. My brother and his wife will arrive tomorrow for an overnight.

So, now he's back to vanilla milk shakes from McDonalds and gained a pound or two. On Wednesday we're suppose to take popsicles for him to have during his chemo.

Now that I've bored you with our days let us know what excitement you're having. Love to all. Kay

Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 11, 2010 Update

This chemo seems to be agreeing with Neil. We even sat on the lanai tonight for awhile. He has really missed that part of the day. He'll have some free days now so we hope that he'll sit up more and eat more.
love to all, Kay

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

September 8, 2008 Update

We went to the oncologist today. They are changing his medicine since he isn't doing as well as he should be at this time. He may even lose his hair. We'll have to watch his diet carefully but at least he can have cold things even while doing chemo.

We had a great weekend with Ellen here. He was feeling pretty good by skipping the chemo last week. He doesn't want any meat at this time so we're having him eat baby food meat. Of course he makes a face but whatever works we'll try.

Our kids are amazing. They are helping us so much. Dean and Shelaine are taking care of our finances. Ellen scrubs rugs, changes lightbulbs, and whatever else I put on the list.

Once again we thank you for prayers. After talking to the doctor today it seems a miracle is what we really need.
love to all, Kay

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September 1, 2010 Update

Neil was unable to have his chemo today since his white blood cell count was too low. They gave him a shot and a dehydration drip and chemo will be next week on Wed., Thurs. and Friday. He was not a happy camper since he wants to get on with this. However, he can have cold things this week so Mickey D milkshakes are on the agenda again.