John Neil Gilmer

February 7, 1941 - November 19, 2010


Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Well Halloween is almost here again. Dad loves every holiday. As of late he has even made a serious push to make Groundhog Day a MAJOR holiday. He is a card carrying member in the Puxatony Phil Club, but that's a story for another day. But, I think Halloween was made for Dad. Anyone that knows Dad knows he will pass up few chances to mess with you (or someone you know.) But a holiday where people pay you to mess with them. Are you kidding me? Dad was always there to collect the money and do a lot of the hard work- for forty years or more. It goes back to the JayCee days in Michigan- I don't know a whole lot of details about these haunted houses that he helped in putting together with a lot of other people- but I know it took a lot of time, and I have no doubt Dad was in on many of the details. He has told stories about the whites of people eyes and the people running out of there screaming for years. Recently he even helped with the first Haunted House in the Hunter's Creek neighborhood in Florida He loves to tell how people said a haunted house would never work in that area. There were big lines, of course, much to his delight. Seems being scared is not a cold weather thing after all.
Nor do you have to save scaring for one day in October. One of Dad's specialties would be to hide behind a door, any door, wait for someone to walk in (but only the person who would react most severely- usually Mom) and say boo! He would have a smile on his face for hours if the reaction was right. Dad lives to get a reaction out of you - and Halloween, well, it just doesn't get much better than people standing in a line with cash in hand and Dad hiding somewhere in that haunted house ready to say BOO!


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