John Neil Gilmer

February 7, 1941 - November 19, 2010


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November 15 in Michigan

Yesterday was the most popular unofficial “holiday” in Michigan….opening day of the gun season for deer hunting. I’m not a hunter, so I didn’t even think about it until about 8:00 AM when what sounded like a cannon went off in the woods behind our house. My first thought was that something had exploded, but as my mind processed the sound, a smile came to my lips as I immediately thought of Neil. I have never gone deer hunting, but I feel that I’ve lived the sport vicariously through the tales that I’ve heard from Neil. Including many from the hunting trips made “up north” with his old work pals George M., Bryce B. and Dr. J. that were told and retold. The meticulous planning and execution of those plans by others, wandering far into the woods, that yielded no results vs. Neil’s cavalier approach of staying near the cabin and enjoying a few smokes while waiting to see a deer. All taboos with hunters, as I understand it, but reportedly with better results in Neil’s case. In later years, his mantra was (and I’m paraphrasing), “I just go to have fun with the boys. Who wants to go to all the bother of gutting a deer and dragging it home?” I could tell Neil always had fun because the telling of each tale included several of his famous belly laughs.

Which brings me to another Neilism, one that might have been voiced before, but now in a different context: Bigger is Better! In this case, a bigger gun was always better, maybe not directly involved with the success of the hunt, but certainly for storytelling. Although I’ve never seen it, Neil’s 8 gauge shotgun is a legend in my mind. And his story of getting Dr. J to shoot it and then nurse a sore shoulder for weeks is priceless! The stories, admittedly, have more meaning when you know the characters involved, but Neil loved to tell this particular story around the office where we all lived and worked with the same characters.

Neil, I’m sure that someone is out in the woods this week creating similar stories and memories in your honor. And come to think of it, that “cannon” I heard yesterday morning just might have been an 8 gauge! J

And here are a few more memory starters for Neil that generated many shared laughs in the office:

“Can we call it a……..?”

“You scratched my anchor!” (and other classics from Caddyshack)

Gene Tracy

The Moon Over Mobile (remember Tom K.?)

Enjoy the memories, Neil!


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