John Neil Gilmer

February 7, 1941 - November 19, 2010


Friday, May 21, 2010


I learned some unique hunting techniques from Dad. Few of these have I read in any hunting books since. While I had heard of many hunters who where using things to mask one's scent or finding the perfect spot where deer may be naturally attracted was common. Dad had a more unique approach. Often we would find a large open field where Dad would smoke and I would have a candy bar or a coke. Of course the nearest tree was our urinal, so much for masking. I have a few different theories on this somewhat unorthodoxed approach to deer hunting:

1. Dad had no interest in dragging a deer out of the woods anyway
2. A Neilism may apply- "even a blind squirrel gets a few nuts."
3. The orthodoxed method is BS anyway as there is no such thing as a deer in its natural state in upper Michigan during deer season. It more resembles an NRA convention than anything seen on any Nature Channel. So you had at least as good of a shot at getting a passing deer in a large clearing, that was spooked or just passing by, as you did if you went through all the usual hunting gobeldigook.

I'm going to go with 3.) above for now.



  1. hey
    im samantha gilmer papa is my 10 years old

  2. I recall that once Neil and Dean hunted from the car from the west coast of lower Michigan to the east coast of lower Michigan in ONE day.
    That was his form of flushing the deer from the woods.
