John Neil Gilmer

February 7, 1941 - November 19, 2010


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Patient Speaks

Hi all!

It is a distinct honor to receive so many best wishes with this latest setback. I am deeply moved by all of our friends well wishes, prayers, and over all support. Little by little each day I am healing from the two surgeries and hope to be positioned with adequate strength and endurance for six months of chemotherapy. Needless to say being confined for 20 consecutive days creates a "twitch" of substantial proportion.

P.S. I did refuse to sign two of the hospital entry forms that prohibits young nurse hallway chases and a pinched arse here and there.


1 comment:

  1. In response to the "Patient Speaks",

    I (being one of the nurses) can guarantee you there was no hallway chases or pinching of any
    substantial size! In fact, this ever shrinking man, who refused to eat much at all, was of absolutely
    no threat of any proportion. He was too busy in a dream state most of the time of my services.
    Such dreams produced some of these interesting sayings or hallucinations...

    The above mentioned patient raised his head to say the following while drug enduced:

    1) Who bumped my chair? (While sleeping in a chair.)
    2) Butternuts! (Apparently a tree he had growing up with nuts- who knew?
    3) Is that a golf ball up there? (It was medical tape on a shelf nearby.)
    4) Is that two greenish-brown frogs? (The clips on the walker (red) but to a color blind man...LOL!)
    5) I haven't seen MaryAnn & Tom, are they here yet? (Dream state, the brain on drugs!)
    6) Two nurses talking in the hallway, while patient slept... saying goodbye and thank you. Patient Neil,
    lifted his head from a state of sleep and said, "You're welcome!"
    7) That's all this nurse has to report at this time, stay tuned for more updates I'm sure with this patient!

    Nurse Ellen
